ツキネコ様 英文カタログ

◉ About StazOnQI stamped the eating surface of my dishes.Please avoid using on parts that contact with the mouth.QAfter using StazOn, it is recommended to clean the stamp surface with a cleaner. Why is this necessary?Leaving the remaining ink as it is may cause it to mix with the ink the next time you use it. Additionally, if left for a long time, it may become difficult to remove and damage the printing surface.QHow to store ink pads & inkers?To store Tsukineko products properly, avoid high temperatures and humidity. Store them horizontally in a cool, dark place (such as a room without direct sunlight) that is less likely to freeze.QWhat is the difference between StazOnStazOn Pigment has been improved to have an ink infiltration type for ease of use. The basic characteristics and applications of the ink remain the same as StazOn Opaque.QWill the fabric stamped with Versa Craft When using on fabric, make sure to heat set the ink with an iron using an ironing cloth or other heat source. We recommend applying heat for 15 seconds or more at the cotton setting, as lower temperatures will reduce the ink's wash resistance. Keep in mind that depending on the type of fabric, the color may gradually fade with repeated washing.QIs it safe to use Versa Craft on fabric thatIf you have properly done heat setting to fix the ink, there is only a small chance of ink components leaching out. However, please avoid using the fabric on parts that may come into contact with your child's mouth.QIs it okay to use dry cleaners on fabrics It depends on the type of cloth, but the color will fade to some when dry cleaned.Q&A45fade when washed?a baby may put in their mouth?stamped with VersaCraft? Is it still safe to use them?Pigment and StazOn Opaqiue?

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